COSS Lab – Publication
(Google scholar for Weihang Zhu’s paper citation)
Published or Accepted Papers (student names in italics):
- Abishek Kafle, Shengjun Lu, Raman Silwal, Weihang Zhu*, A Review on Material Dynamics in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing: Bonding, Stress, and Structural Evolution in Metals, Metals 2025, 15(2), 187;
- James Curry, Brian Craig, Weihang Zhu, Jyothi Supriya Chollangi, Saikrishna S Gubbala, Mohammad Shafayet Hossain, Wenhao Yang, Using Large Language Models to Analyze Maritime Near Miss Data, TRBAM-25-03877, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting on January 5-9, 2025
- Ezra Wari, Sandesh Risal, Weihang Zhu *, Venkatesfh Balan, Developing a Simulation Model for Energy Consumption in Mushroom Substrate Composting (Extended Abstract), Winter Simulation Conference 2024, Orlando, FL, December 15-18, 2024
- Abishek Kafle, Raman Silwal, Bikram Koirala, Weihang Zhu*, Advancements in Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing: Process, Materials, Optimization, Applications, and Challenges, Materials 2024, 17(22), 5431;
- Xiaolong Jing, Rui Yuan, Yong Lv, Duxi Shang, Hewenxuan Li, Weihang Zhu, A novel epilepsy detection approach using intrinsic multiscale entropy analysis and DSEAM-enhanced 1D-ResNets, Measurement Science and Technology, Accepted in November 2024, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad9043
- Arturo Haces-Garcia, Weihang Zhu*, Building an Accessible and Flexible Multiuser Robotic Simulation Framework with Unity-MATLAB Bridge, Computers 2024, 13(11), 282;
- Bikram Koirala, Abdollah Zakeri, Jiming Kang, Abishek Kafle, Venkatesh Balan, Fatima A Merchant, Driss Benhaddou, Weihang Zhu *, Robotic button mushrooms harvesting systems: a review of design, mechanism, and future directions, Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(20), 9229,
- Pratikshya Tiwari, Weihang Zhu *, Kevin McSweeney, Offshore Crane Safety Related to Human Errors: A Review, TAMU Ocean Energy Safety Symposium 2024, College Station, Texas, October 22-24, 2024
- Pratikshya Tiwari, Weihang Zhu *, Kevin McSweeney, A Comparative Analysis of Offshore Crane Operation Standards: USA, UK, and Norway (presentation only), Offshore Lifting Conference 2024, Houston, Texas, September 24-25, 2024
- Weihang Zhu, RET Site: Engineering Design and Manufacturing Experience for High School Teachers (poster), NSF EEC Grantees Conference, Washington DC, September 10-12, 2024
- Yongqiang Yin, Rui Yuan, Yong Lv, Hongan Wu, Weihang Zhu, and Hewenxuan Li, Low-Rank Tensor Train Dynamic Mode Decomposition: An Enhanced Multivariate Signal Processing Method for Mechanical Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Accepted September 29, 2024.
- Bikram Koirala, Abishek Kafle, Huy Canh Nguyen, Jiming Kang, Abdollah Zakeri, Venkatesh Balan, Fatima Merchant, Driss Benhaddou, Weihang Zhu*, A Hybrid Three-Finger Gripper for Automated Harvesting of Button Mushroom, Actuators 2024, 13(8), 287;, Accepted July 29, 2024. The paper has been selected as the issue cover:
- Hongan Wu; Rui Yuan; Yong Lv; Dalton Stein; Weihang Zhu; Multi-Weighted Symbolic Sequence Entropy: A Novel Approach to Fault Diagnosis and Degradation Monitoring of Rotary Machinery, Measurement Science and Technology,, DOI 10.1088/1361-6501/ad60e9, vol 35, No. 10.
- Biru Bikram Koirala, Guoyang Shen, Huy Nguyen, Jiming Kang, Abdollah Zakeri, Venkatesh Balan, Fatima Merchant, Driss Benhaddou, Weihang Zhu*, Development of a Compact Hybrid Gripper for Automated Harvesting of White Button Mushroom, ASME IDETC/CIE2024-143056, Washington DC, August 2024
- Weihang Zhu, Tomika Greer, Paige Evans, Ramona Mateer, Venkatesh Balan, Lei Fan, Gangbing Song, Driss Benhaddou, First Year Experience from Industries of the Future Research Experience for Preservice Teacher in STEM Settings, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference 2024, Portland, OR, June 2024
- Weihang Zhu, Roberto Dimaliwat, Dua Naim Chaker, Peter Weber, Christy Miller, Ellen Parish, Support Teacher Course Development through TeachEngineering Standards, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference 2024, Portland, OR, June 2024
- Weihang Zhu, Mariam Manuel, Paige Evans, Peter Weber, 3D Printer Dissected for the Engineering Design Technology for Preservice Teachers, poster, IUSE Summit 2024, Washington DC, June 2024
- Yanxi Fan, Rui Yuan, Yong Lv, Zhang Dang, Hao Song, Weihang Zhu, Improved multiscale coded dispersion entropy: A novel quadratic-coded health indicator of rotating machinery, Measurement Science and Technology,, vol 35, No.8.
- Zhaoyi Zhang, Ying Li, Jiyou Wang, Zhichen Liu, Ge Jiang, Hua Guo, Weihang Zhu, A Hybrid Data-Driven and Learning-Based Method for Denoising Low-Cost IMU to Enhance Ship Navigation Reliability, Ocean Engineering, Volume 299, 1 May 2024, 11728
- Hongan Wu, Yong Lv, Rui Yuan, Bowen Li, Xingkai Yang, Weihang Zhu, Self-Matching Chirplet Extraction Transform: A Novel Tool for Dense Multicomponent Signals Analysis and Machinery Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Sensors, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3365887
- Sandesh Risal, Navdeep Singh*, Yan Yao, Li Sun, Samprash Risal, Weihang Zhu*, Accelerating Elastic Property Prediction in Fe-C Alloys through Coupling of Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning, Materials, 2024, 17(3), 601;
- Bowen Li, Yong Lv, Rui Yuan, Hongan Wu, Hongyu Zhong, Weihang Zhu, Self-iterated extracting wavelet transform and its application to fault diagnosis of rotating machinery, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2024.3370784
- Yong Lv, Hao Song, Rui Yuan, Haiyan Pan, Weihang Zhu, Composite interpolated hierarchical dispersion entropy: A novel and robust algorithm for mechanical fault diagnosis, IEEE Sensors, 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3346495
- Huangxing Hu, Yong Lv, Rui Yuan, Shijie Xu, Weihang Zhu, A novel vibro-acoustic fault diagnosis approach of planetary gearbox using intrinsic wavelet integrated GE-EfficientNet, Measurement Science and Technology, accepted in November 2023
- Fei Wang, Boran Zhou, Rui Wang, Jim Jenkinson, Weihang Zhu, Jing Zhong, Zheng Fan, and Li Sun*, Engineering Microcracks in MWCNT/Elastomer Bilayers for High-performance Stretchable Sensor Development, Nanotechnology, accepted in October 2023, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ad0249
- Zhaoyi Zhang, Ying Li*, Zhichen Liu, Siwen Wang, Hu Xing, Weihang Zhu*, Enhancing the Reliability of Shipborne INS/GNSS Integrated Navigation System during Abnormal Sampling Periods Using Bi-LSTM and Robust CKF, Ocean Engineering, Volume 288, Part 1, 15 November 2023, 115934
- Hongan Wu; Yong Lv*; Rui Yuan; Xingkai Yang; Ke Feng; Weihang Zhu, Synchro-Reassigned Extracting Transform: An Effective Tool for Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis under Varying Speed Condition, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3316705.
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu*, Gino Lim, A Corrosion Maintenance Model Using Continuous State Partially Observable Markov Decision Process for Oil and Gas Pipelines, Algorithms 2023, 16(7), 345;; Selected as the Editor’s Choice 2023
- Shijie Xu, Rui Yuan, Yong Lv, Huangxing Hu, Weihang Zhu, A novel fault diagnosis approach of rolling bearing using intrinsic feature extraction and CBAM-enhanced InceptionNet, , ,
- Samprash Risal, Chaoshan Wu, Fei Wang, Sandesh Risal, Francisco Carlos Robles Hernandez, Weihang Zhu, Yan Yao, Zheng Fan, Silver-Carbon Interlayers in Anode-Free Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries: Current Development, Interfacial Issues, and Instability Challenges, Carbon, accepted in June 2023
- Sandesh Risal, Navdeep Singh*, Andrew Ian Duff, Yan Yao, Li Sun, Samprash Risal, Weihang Zhu*, Development of RF-MEAM interatomic potential for Fe-C system to study temperature dependent elastic properties, Materials, 2023, Vol. 16, Issue 10, doi: 10.3390/ma16103779
- Kevin McSweeney, James Curry, Rick Curtis, Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu*, Brian Craig, Muhammad Muzamil Hussain, Arturo Haces-Garcia, Oghosa P Idahosa, Emad Zeni, Gubbala Seshasaikrishna, Development of a Comprehensive Multi-Component Toolkit for Offshore Safety Culture Assessment, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,
- Weihang Zhu, Mariam Manuel, Paige Evans, Peter Weber, Dissecting 3D Printing for Engineering Design Process Education of High School Preservice Teachers, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference 2023, Baltimore, MD
- Sandesh Risal, Venkatesh Balan, Weihang Zhu *, Ezra Wari, Mahsa Alian, Modeling and Optimization of Shipping Container-based Mushroom Farms for Agaricus biporus, and Pleurotus ostreatus, IISE Annual Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu *, Gino Lim, Yisha Xiang, Optimal Maintenance Using a Continuous Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Model for the Oil and Gas Pipeline, IISE Annual Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu *, Gino Lim, A Discrete Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Model for the Maintenance Optimization of Oil and Gas Pipeline, IISE Annual Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA
- Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Kevin McSweeney, Brian Craig, Rick Curtis, Ezra Wari, Development of an Offshore Safety Culture Maturity Model, IISE Annual Conference 2023, New Orleans, LA
- Enrique Barbieri, Burak Basaran, Driss Benhaddou, Navdeep Singh, Vassilios Tzouanas, Venkatesh Balan, Weihang Zhu, Teaching Applied Mathematics in ET to Increase Student Engagement & Success in Engineering, Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), February 8, 2023, Charleston, SC, DOI: 10.18260/1-2-510-48762
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu*, Gino Lim, Maintenance in the Downstream Petroleum Industry: A Survey on Methodology and Implementation, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 172, April 2023, 108177
- Zhaoyi Zhang, Ying Li*, Peng Wu, Zhichen Liu, Jiajia Xiao, Weihang Zhu*, An INS-aided MASS Autonomous Navigation Algorithm Considering Virtual Motion Constraints and the Leeway and Drift Angle, Ocean Engineering, Volume 272, 15 March 2023, 113790
- Weihang Zhu, Rick Curtis, James Curry, Kevin McSweeney, Brian Craig, Ezra Wari, Identifying Safety Leading Indicators for the Offshore Industry, Proceedings of the 28th Offshore Symposium, March 8th, 2023, Houston, Texas
- Ji An Chen, Zheng Chen, Weihang Zhu, Gangbing Song*, Underwater bolted flange looseness detection using percussion-induced sound and feature-reduced Multi-ROCKET model, Structural Health Monitoring,, accepted on January 13, 2023
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu*, Gino Lim, A Discrete Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Model for the Maintenance Optimization of Oil and Gas Pipelines, Algorithms, 2023, 16 54., accepted on January 9, 2023
- Ezra Wari, James Curry, Weihang Zhu*, Brian Craig, Muhammad Muzamil Hussain, Arturo Haces-Garcia, Oghosa P Idahosa, Emad Zeni, Gubbala Seshasaikrishna, Describing Offshore Safety Culture with a Multi-Component Toolkit Approach, 1st Ocean Energy Safety Symposium, Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center, College Station, Texas, October 5-7, 2022
- Weihang Zhu, Huda Sarraj, Zheng Fan, Francisco Robles, Medhat El Nahas, Burak Basaran, Kamran Alba, Augustina Reyes, First Year Experience from RET Site: High School Teacher Experience in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 26-29, 2022
- Faheem Ershad, Michael Houston, Shubham Patel, Luis Contreras, Bikram Koirala, Yuntao Lu, Zhoulyu Rao, Yang Liu, Nicholas Dias, Arturo Haces-Garcia, Weihang Zhu, Yingchun Zhang, Cunjiang Yu, Customizable, reconfigurable, and anatomically coordinated large-area, high-density electromyography from drawn-on-skin electrode arrays, PNAS Nexus, accepted November 2022
- Shubham Patel†, Faheem Ershad†, Jimmy Lee, Lourdes Chacon-Alberty, Yifan Wang, Marco Morales, Arturo Haces-Garcia, Seonmin Jang, Lei Gonzalez, Luis Contreras, Aman Agarwal, Zhoulyu Rao, Igor Efimov, Yu Shrike Zhang, Min Zhao, Roslyn Rivkah Isseroff, Alamgir Karim, Abdelmotagaly Elgalad, Weihang Zhu, Xiaoyang Wu, Cunjiang Yu*, Drawn-on-Skin Sensors from Fully Biocompatible Inks toward High-Quality Electrophysiology, Small, February 2022,
- Yang, Di; Lv, Yong; Yuan, Rui; Li, Hewenxuan; Zhu, Weihang, Robust fault diagnosis of rolling bearings via entropy-weighted nuisance attribute projection and neural network under various operating conditions, Structural Health Monitoring, Volume 21, Issue 6,
- Venkatesh Balan, Weihang Zhu, Harish Krishnamoorthy, Driss Benhaddou, Jake Mowrer, Hasan Husain, Artin Eskandari, Challenges and Opportunities in Producing High-Quality Edible Mushrooms from Lignocellulosic Biomass in a Small-Scale, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
- James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Brian N. Craig, Emad Mohammad Zeni, Saikrishna S Gubbala, An Investigation on the Impact of Safety Culture Surveys Questionnaire on the Results through the Correlation Analysis, 24th Annual Process Safety International Symposium, October 19-21, 2021, College Station, Texas
- Robert Kelley Bradley, James Curry, Victor Zaloom, Brian Craig, Alberto Marquez, Xinyu Liu, Berna Tokgoz, Yueqing Li, Maryam Hamidi, Gary Yentzen, Acyut Kaneria, Weihang Zhu, Results of the First 6 Years of a 2 + 2 Online BS Industrial Engineering Degree Pathway, ASEE Annual Conference 2021
- Ning Lou, Ezra Wari, James Curry, Kevin McSweeney, Rick Curtis, Brian Craig, Muhammad Hussain, Weihang Zhu, Identifying Safety Culture Factors for Offshore Industry, 26th SNAME Symposium, Houston, TX, Apr 6-7, 2021
- Sandesh Risal, Weihang Zhu, Pablo Guillen, Li Sun, Improving Phase Prediction Accuracy for High Entropy Alloys with Machine Learning, Computational Materials Science, Volume 192, May 2021, 110389,
- Yue Shi, Weihang Zhu, Yisha Xiang, Qianmei Feng, Condition-based maintenance optimization for multi-component systems subject to a system reliability requirement, Reliability Engineering and Safety Systems, Vol. 202, 2020,
- Chenghang Zheng, Zhongyang Zhao, Yishan Guo, Haitao Zhao, Weiguo Weng, Weihang Zhu, Baoyun Yu, Xiang Gao, A Real-time Optimization Method for Economic and Effective Operation of Electrostatic Precipitators, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 70 (7), page 708-720, July 2020,
- Linchu Yang, Ji’An Chen, Weihang Zhu, Dynamic hand gesture recognition based on a leap motion controller and two-layer bidirectional recurrent neural network, Sensors, 20(7), 2106;
- Arash Abedi, Weihang Zhu, An Advanced Order Promising Mechanism for Hybrid Production Strategy, SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems,
- Qingmin Hou, Weihang Zhu, An EKF based method for small leakage detection and location of natural gas pipeline, Applied Sciences, 9(15) 3193, 2019,
- Huiling Chen, Liguo Shuai, Weihang Zhu, Wei Miao, An Investigation of the Electrostimulation Threshold under Nonsteady Contact Conditions, Industrial Robot, 46(7), May 2019, DOI: 10.1108/IR-11-2018-0230
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, A Constraint Programming Model for Food Processing Industry: a Case for an Ice Cream Processing Facility, International Journal of Production Research, 57(21), 6648-6664, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1571250
- Acyut Kaneria, Maryam Hamidi, Weihang Zhu, Brian Craig, A Traffic Simulation Study of Houston Ship Channel for Assessing the Impact of Waterway Closures on Vessel Waiting Time, ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 145(4), July 2019
- Zhicheng Zhu, Yisha Xiang, Mingyang Li, Weihang Zhu, Kellie Schneider, Preventive Maintenance subject to Equipment Unavailability, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 68 (3), 1009-1020, doi:10.1109/TR.2019.2913331d
- Weihang Zhu, Xinyu Liu, Xuejun Fan, Nicholas Brake, Xianchang Li, Jiang Zhou, Dorothy Sisk, Julia Yoo, Assisting High School Design and Manufacturing Curriculum Development through RET, Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2019
- Weihang Zhu, Julia Yoo, James Curry, Brian Craig, Jiang Zhou, Hsing-wei Chu, The Impact of Scholarship on Current Students, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Tamp, Florida, 2019
- Weihang Zhu, Xuejun Fan, Nicholas Brake, Xinyu Liu, Xianchang Li, Jiang Zhou, Dorothy Sisk, Julia Yoo, Engineering Design and Manufacturing Education through Research Experience for High School Teachers, SME/NAMRC, June 2018, College Station, TX
- Weihang Zhu, Xuejun Fan, Julia Yoo, Dorothy Sisk, Nicholas Brake, Xinyu Liu, Xianchang Li, Jiang Zhou, First Year Experience RET Site: Incorporating Advanced Design and Manufacturing to High School Curriculum, American Society of Engineering Education, June 2018, Salt Lake City, UT
- Kamal Thapa, Maryam Hamidi, Weihang Zhu, Brian Craig, A GIS-based Optimization Model for Port of Beaumont Inventory Management, Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 2018, Orlando, FL
- Sujay Mahale, Alberto Marquez, Weihang Zhu, A Client Server Framework for A Job Shop Scheduling System To Minimize Tardiness and Labor Overtime Costs Under Labor and Machine Constraints (Presentation Only), INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017
- Sujay Mahale, Ezra Wari, Alberto Marquez, Weihang Zhu, A MILP Model For Job And Labor Scheduling To Minimize Weighted Tardiness And Labor Costs for Parallel Machines (Presentation Only), INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017
- Mohammad Altayeb, Weihang Zhu, Port Pilotage Discrete Event Simulation with GIS in AnyLogic (Presentation Only), INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017
- Arash Abedi, Weihang Zhu, An Order Acceptance Model for Hybrid Production Strategy (Presentation Only), INFORMS 2017 Annual Conference, Houston, TX, October 22-25, 2017
- Zhicheng Zhu, Yisha Xiang, Weihang Zhu, James Curry, An Opportunistic Maintenance Policy for Degradation-based Multi-unit Systems (Presentation Only), Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 20 – 23, 2017, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Alem Demissie, Weihang Zhu, Daniel Kitaw, Amare Matebu, Quality Improvement in Ethiopian Garment Enterprises, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, doi: 10.1080/21681015.2017.1362484
- Anirudh Juloori, Yueqing Li, Weihang Zhu, Development of a Game-Based and Haptically Enhanced Application for People with Visual Impairment. In: Ahram T., Falcão C. (eds) Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 608. Springer, Cham
- Weihang Zhu, Julia Yoo, James Curry, Brian Craig, Jiang Zhou, Hsing-wei Chu, Nicholas Brake, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Scholars with Scholarships, Career Mentoring, Outreach and Advisement, Professional Societies and Engineering Learning Community (SCOPE) S-STEM Program, American Society of Engineering Education annual conference, June 2017, Columbus, OH, USA
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, Yisha Xiang, A Constraint Programming Model for Ice Cream Processing, Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 20 – 23, 2017, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Received the Best Track Paper Award for Production Planning & Scheduling Track
- Alem Demissie, Weihang Zhu, Chanyalew Taye Belachew, A Multi-objective Optimization Model for Natural Gas Pipeline Operations, Computers and Chemical Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2017.02.017
- Zhicheng Zhu, Yisha Xiang, Weihang Zhu, Brian Craig, Preventive Maintenance for Port Equipment with Schedule Constraints (Presentaton Only), Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 21 – 24, 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, Multi-week Scheduling for an Ice Cream Processing Facility (Presentaton Only), Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 21 – 24, 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Julia Yoo, Brian Craig, James Curry, Jiang Zhou, Hsing-wei Chu, SCOPE Scholarship for Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Presentaton Only), the 2016 Lamar University Educational Conference, Beaumont, Texas, March, 2016;
- Weihang Zhu, Julia Yoo, Alberto Marquez, “Engineering Economics Career” Mobile App for Assisting Teaching Engineering Economics Course, the 2016 Lamar University Educational Conference (Presentaton Only), Beaumont, Texas, March, 2016;
- Arash Abedi, Weihang Zhu, An Optimization Model for Purchase, Production, and Distribution in Fish Supply Chain – A Case Study, International Journal of Production Research, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1242800
- Ge Jiang, Dingzhong Feng, Weihang Zhu, A Large and Heavy Cargo Transport System Designed for Small and Medium Ship Maintenance and Repair, Journal of Ship Production and Design, doi:10.5957/JSPD.32.2.160019; Received the Best Paper Award from the 15th Annual Meeting of China Society of Logistics
- Julia Griffin, Weihang Zhu, Chang S. Nam, The Role of Haptic Feedback in Retinal Microsurgery Systems: A Meta-Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, doi: 10.1109/TOH.2016.2598341
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, Multi-week Production Scheduling for an Ice Cream Processing Facility, Computers and Chemical Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2016.07.025
- Yuci Shen, Leilei Zhang, Weihang Zhu, Jiang Zhou, Xuejun Fan, A Capped-Die Flip Chip Package Design to Reduce Warpage in Packaging, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, doi: 10.1109/TCPMT.2016.2592947, Received 2016 Best Paper Award – IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology in the Advanced Packaging Technologies category
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, A Survey on metaheuristic applications in food processing optimization, Applied Soft Computing, doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.04.034
- James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Brian Craig, An Online 2+2 Bachelor’s Degree Program Track in Industrial Engineering at Lamar University, American Society of Engineering Education annual conference, June 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Alem Demissie, Weihang Zhu, Xinyu Liu, Multi-objective Optimization of Natural Gas Pipeline Operation, Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 21 – 24, 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, Energy-efficient Scheduling for an Ice Cream Processing Facility, Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 21 – 24, 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Ge Jiang, Brian Craig, Online Simulation Course and “Arena Video Tutor” Mobile App Development, Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference, May 21 – 24, 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Xinyu Liu, Weihang Zhu, Development of a Fiber Optical Occlusion Based Automatic Tool Setter for Micro Milling Machine, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2016.04.002
- Ge Jiang, Dingzhong Feng, Weihang Zhu, Efficient Shipbuilding System Based on the Lean Production Methodology, Journal of Ship Production and Design, doi:10.5957/JSPD.32.2.150042
- Huiling Chen, Liguo Shuai, Weihang Zhu, Preliminary study on SED distribution of tactile sensation in fingertip, 2016 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (CMECE 2016), New York, January 7-9, 2016
- Weihang Zhu, Alberto Marquez, Julia Yoo, “Engineering Economics Jeopardy!” Mobile App for University Students, Engineering Economist, Vol. 60, Issue 4, 2015, Pages: 291-306, DOI: 10.1080/0013791X.2015.1067343
- Liang Diao, Liguo Shuai, Huiling Chen and Weihang Zhu, Improvement of ELM algorithm for multi-object identification in gesture interaction, The International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2015), Hangzhou, China, December, 2015
- Ezra Wari, Weihang Zhu, Xinyu Liu, Genetic Algorithms Applications in the Food Process Industry, Industrial and System Engineering Annual Research Conference and Expo 2015, May 30 – June 2, 2015, Nashville, TN, USA
- Alem Demissie, Weihang Zhu, A Survey on Gas Pipelines Operation and Design Optimization, Industrial and System Engineering Annual Research Conference and Expo 2015, May 30 – June 2, 2015, Nashville, TN, USA
- Alem Demissie, Weihang Zhu, Daniel Kitaw, Amare Matebu, Quality Assessment on the Garment Enterprises in Ethiopia, Industrial and System Engineering Annual Research Conference and Expo 2015, May 30 – June 2, 2015, Nashville, TN, USA
- Ge Jiang, Dingzhong Feng, Weihang Zhu, Lean Shipbuilding for Project-based Manufacturing, Industrial and System Engineering Annual Research Conference and Expo 2015, May 30 – June 2, 2015, Nashville, TN, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Alberto Marquez, Julia Yoo, Development of “Engineering Economics Career” Mobile App, ASEE annual conference 2015, June 2015, Seattle, WA, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Alberto Marquez, Julia Yoo, Design Improvement of Mobile App for Engineering Economics and Student Satisfaction, ASEE annual conference June 2014, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Xinyu Liu, Weihang Zhu, Automated Toolsetter for Micromachine, FAIM Conference May 2014, San Antonio, TX, USA
- Brian Craig, Richshalla Papallion, James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Maritime Safety Reporting, Offshore Technology Conference May 2014, Houston, TX, USA
- James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Brian Craig, Lonnie Turpin Jr., Majed Al-Bokhari, Pavan Mhasavekar, Using a Natural Language Generation Approach to Documenting Simulation Results, Winter Simulation Conference, December 2013, Washinton DC, USA
- Shreyas Shashidhara, Xinyu Liu, Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Victor Zaloom, Experimental Investigation of the Tool Wear and Tool lLife in Micro Hard Milling, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Conference (IMECE-65607), November 2013, San Diego, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Jiang Zhou, Md. A. Islam, Md. Shufean, Xinyu Liu, Development of a Mobile App for Learning System Dynamics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Conference (IMECE-62512), November 2013, San Diego, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Alberto Marquez, Julia Yoo, Development of a Mobile App for Multimedia Learning of Engineering Economics, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Kevin McSweeney, Brian Craig, James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Are Mariner Near Misses Influencing Design?, US Transportation Research Board Conference, 92nd Annual Meeting, Jan 13-17, 2013, Washington, DC, USA
- James Curry, Weihang Zhu, Brian Caig, Victor Zaloom, Development of a Web-based Safety Survey Data Analysis System for the Maritime Industry, Industrial Engineering Research Conference (Presentation Only), May 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
- Xinyu Liu, B. Gangineni, Weihang Zhu, Victor Zaloom, Finite Element Analysis of Micro-grinding Process, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
- Wen-Chyuan Chiang, Gangshu Cai, Xiaojing Xu, Ganesh Mudunuri and Weihang Zhu, Two-Stage Tabu – Particle Swarm Algorithms for the Facility Layout Problem with Size Constraints, IEEE CEC 2011, June 5~8, 2011, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Xinyu Liu, Weihang Zhu, Victor Zaloom, Multi-objective Optimization for the Micro-milling Process with Adaptive Data Modeling, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2011 June 13-17, 2011, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Haptic-augmented Learning Tools for Dynamics, the 2011 Lamar Univeristy Educational Conference, Beaumont, Texas, March 24 – 25, 2011;
- Weihang Zhu, Kendrick Aung, Jiang Zhou, Haptic-augmented Learning Tools for Dynamics (invited only, poster), the 2011 CCLI/TUES PI Conference in Washington, D.C. on January 26 – 28, 2011;
- Weihang Zhu, Ashraf Yaseen, Yaohang Li, DEMCMC-GPU: An Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization Method with GPU Acceleration on the Fermi Architecture, Journal of New Generation Computing;
- Weihang Zhu, Massively Parallel Differential Evolution with Graphics Hardware Acceleration: an Investigation on Bound Constrained Optimization Problems, Journal of Global Optimization, doi: 10.1007/s10898-010-9590-0;
- Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Victor Zaloom, A Framework of GPU-accelerated Evolutionary Algorithms for Global Optimization, INFORMS 2010, Austin, TX (Presentation Only);
- Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Massively Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Nonlinear Optimization with GPU Computing, the 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization (MAO) Conference,13-15 September 2010, Fort Worth, Texas, co-located with the 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference;
- Weihang Zhu, Nonlinear Optimization with a Massively Parallel Evolution Strategy Algorithm on Graphics Hardware, Applied Soft Computing Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2010.05.020;
- Carol Schulte, James Curry, Victor Zaloom, Weihang Zhu, Helen Lou, Alberto Marquez, Scheduling Hazardous Waste Incinerators Using a SA-LP Heuristic, Journal of Environmental Engineering Science, July 2010, 27(7): 569-575. doi:10.1089/ees.2009.0380;
- Weihang Zhu, Parallel Biogeography -based Optimization with GPU Acceleration for Nonlinear Optimization, ASME IDETC/CIE Conference, August 15- 18, Montreal, Canada
- Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Anjali Mishra, Alberto Marquez, Victor Zaloom, An Experimental Study of GPU-accelerated Ant Colony Optimization for Sequence Dependent Parallel Machine Scheduling, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010
- James Curry, Alberto Marquez, Weihang Zhu, Setting Gate Prices with Intermediate Actors and Transportation Costs, Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-9, 2010
- Weihang Zhu, Yaohang Li, GPU-Accelerated Differential Evolutionary Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Multi-Objective Optimization over Continuous Space, 2nd Workshop on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Distributed Systems, BADS 2010, held in conjunction with 7th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2010), Washington DC, USA, June 7-11, 2010;
- Weihang Zhu, Kendrick Aung, Jiang Zhou, Design Improvement and Analysis on 3D Haptic-augmented Learning Tools for Dynamics Course, American Society of Engineering Education 2010 annual conference, Louisville, KY, USA, June 2010
- Yaohang Li, Weihang Zhu, GPU-accelerated Multi-scoring Function Protein Loop Structure Sampling, Ninth IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology, Atlanta, GA, April 19, 2010, held in conjunction with International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS);
- Hani Almufti, Kody Duplechin, Brent Trasher, Weihang Zhu, A Simulation Study of Medical Office Practice, IIE Regional Conference 2010, held at St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX, Feb 26~27, 2010 (Undergraduate student paper)
- Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Anjali Mishra, Victor Zaloom, Sequence Dependent Parallel Machine Scheduling On a GPU Platform Using Ant Colony Optimization, Proceedings of ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Oct 4~7, West Lafayette, IN, USA
- Weihang Zhu, James Curry, Parallel Ant Colony for Nonlinear Function Optimization with Graphics Hardware Acceleration, Proceedings of IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Conference, Oct 11~14, 2009, San Antonio, TX, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Parallel Population Based Incremental Learning with GPU Acceleration for Nonlinear Optimization, Proceedings of ASME IDETC/CIE Design Automation Conference, Aug 30 ~ Sept 2, 2009 San Diego, CA, USA
- Weihang Zhu, Kendrick Aung, Jiang Zhou, Development and Analysis of 3D Haptic-augmented Learning Tools for Dynamics Course, Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education 2009 annual conference, June 14 ~ 17, Austin, TX, USA
- Weihang Zhu, A Study of Parallel Evolution Strategy – Pattern Search on a GPU Computing Platform, Proceedings of ACM SIGEVO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Summit Conference, Shanghai, China, June 12 ~ 14, 2009
- Weihang Zhu, GPU-based Parallel Differential Evolution with Local Pattern Search on Function Optimization, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL, USA, May 30 ~ June 3, 2009
- Weihang Zhu, J. Curry, Multi-walk Parallel Pattern Search on a GPU computing Platform, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Science, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, May 25 ~ 27, 2009
- Weihang Zhu, J. Curry, Particle Swarm with Graphics Hardware Acceleration and Local Pattern Search on Bound Constrained Optimization Problems, IEEE Symposiums Series on Computational Intelligence, March 30 ~ April 2, 2009, Nashville, TN, USA
- Weihang Zhu, J. Curry, A. Marquez, GPU-accelerated SIMT Tabu Search for the Quadratic Assignment Problem, Transactions of SME/NAMRC 2009
- Wei Li, H. Peng, Weihang Zhu, D. Sheng, J. Chen, An Immune-Tabu Hybrid Algorithm for Thermal Unit Commitment Problem in Power Plant Optimization, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, Issue 4, 2009
- Weihang Zhu, J. Curry, A. Marquez, SIMD Tabu Search for Quadratic Assignment Problem with Graphics Hardware Acceleration, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 48, Issue 4 , 2010,1035 – 1047
- Weihang Zhu, Kendrick Aung, Bhavan Parikh, Jiang Zhou, Malur Srinivasan, Thomas Matthews, A Study of Impact of Haptic-augmented Learning Tools on Dynamics Course, ASME IMECE 2008-66339, Boston, MA, USA
- Weihang Zhu, A Methodology for Building up an Infrastructure for Haptically Enhanced Computer-Aided Design Systems, Transaction of the ASME: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2008
- Yongfu Ren, Weihang Zhu and Yuan-Shin Lee, Tri-dexel Modeling and Analysis for Virtual Prototyping, Transactions of SME/NAMRC 2008
- Yongfu Ren, Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Feature Conservation Conversion of Tri-dexel Volume Models to Polyhedral Surface Models for Product Prototyping, Computer-Aided Design and Application, Vol. 5, No. 6, 932-941, 2008
- Weihang Zhu, Haptic Guided Rigid Body Dynamic Study for Virtual Assembly in Mainstream CAD Systems, Proceedings of ASME IMECE, Seattle, WA, USA, IMECE2007-41513
- Xianchang Li, Weihang Zhu, Paul Corder, Numerical Study on Heat Transfer of Inclined Jet Impingement with Explicit Crossflow, Proceedings of ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 8-12, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, HT2007-32478
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, An Infrastructure Towards Haptic Virtual Assembly with Native 3D Models in Mainstream CAD Systems, Transactions of SME/NAMRC 2007
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Haptic Manipulation of Native 3D CAD Models in Mainstream CAD/CAM Systems, Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2006
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Constructing Polyhedral Models from Dexel Models with Marching Algorithm for Haptic Virtual Sculpting, Proceedings of ASME MSEC 2006
- Yongfu Ren, Weihang Zhu and Yuan-Shin Lee, Pencil-cut Machining with Material Side Tracing and Curve Refinement for Complex Polyhedral Models, Transactions of SME/NAMRC 2006
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, A Marching Algorithm of Constructing Polyhedral Models from Dexel Models for Haptic Virtual Sculpting, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 21, Issue 1, Page 19-36, 2005
- Yongfu Ren, Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Material Side Tracing and Curve Refinement for Pencil-cut Machining of Complex Polyhedral Models, Computer Aided Design, Vol. 37, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 1015-1026
- Brandon Itkowitz, Josh Handley, Weihang Zhu, OpenHaptics: Add 3D Navigation and Haptics to Graphics Application, Proceedings of World Haptics 2005, Pisa, Italy, March 2005
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Five-axis Pencil-Cut Machining Planning and Virtual Prototyping with a 5-DOF Haptic Interface, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 36, Issue 13, 2004, pages 1295-1307
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Dexel-Based Force-Torque Rendering and Volume Updating for 5-DOF Haptic Product Prototyping and Virtual Sculpting, Computer in Industry, Vol. 55, Issue 2, 2004, pages 125-14
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Virtual Sculpting and Multi-axis Polyhedral Machining Planning Methodology with 5-DOF Haptic Interface, Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2004
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Product Prototyping and Manufacturing Planning with 5-DOF Haptic Sculpting and Dexel Volume Updating, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2004
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Haptic Sculpting and Machining Planning with 5-DOF Haptic Interface for Virtual Prototyping and Manufacturing, Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, Oct 2003
- Weihang Zhu, Yuan-Shin Lee, Haptic Sculpting and Pencil-cut Planning in Virtual Prototyping and Manufacturing, Proceedings of The ASME IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition), Washington DC, USA, Nov, 2003, IMECE2003-42489
- Deren Sheng, Haoren Ren, J. Chen, W. Li, Weihang Zhu, Optimization of Main Steam Pressure of Steam Turbine Unit under Cycling Loading, Power Engineering, (in Chinese), Vol 20, No. 5, 2000
- Weihang Zhu, Haoren Ren, Deren Sheng etc, Power Plant Management Information System for Production Based on MS SQL Server, Zhejiang Electric Power, (in Chinese), Vol 19, No. 1, 2000
- Deren Sheng, Weihang Zhu, etc, Power Plant Reporting By OLE, Thermal Power Generation, (in Chinese), No.173, P35-38, 1999
- Haoren Ren, W. Li, D. Sheng, J. Chen, J. Li, X. Lu, Weihang Zhu, The Analysis of Operation Index for the Power Unit under Different Loads, Transaction of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, (in Chinese), Vol.19, No.9, P50-53, 1999